Saturday, September 20, 2014

Taking Care of Yourself

As many of you many know, I had outpatient surgery done on Thursday. I have to tell you that I was so nervous up to that day. While I was in my room waiting to get prepped for surgery, something told me to pick up the Bible there. I read the 23rd Psalms which was my stepdad Henry favorite and the 27th Psalms the first verse. That passage stuck with me the whole time. I went back and was reading that verse over and over again. I knew then that I had nothing to worry about because of my faith in Him.
After my surgery was done and Dr. Vaughn and the nurse woke me up, I had been in recovery for thirty minutes. I didn't realize that I had a breathing complication until the nurse to,d me and she removed the breathing tube from my nose. My throat was so sore that I had tears running out of my eyes. I knew then that He was with me through it all!! I know now that He has a plan for me and he never left my side. As soon as I recover and get released from doctor care, I'm going to go back to my exercise and my Zumba. I feel bad because I can't do these things right now but taking care of myself must come first. I over did it yesterday and today I'm paying for it because I did my normal routine of housework and taking care of my boys. Today they are taking care of me. I really appreciate them both because I know they were worried about me. This is one of the times being a single parent is tough because I'm supposed to be taking care of them and they are taking care of me. I thank God for bringing me through so that I could continue to care for my boys. Chris and Marcus I love you very much.

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