Monday, June 30, 2014

Noticing the Loss

Feeling proud of myself!! You know it's amazing to me but I'm starting to notice my weight loss so far. I'm proud of myself  for sticking to my walking and eating healthier. It feels good to put on my clothes and they are loose. What a feeling it is!!  It nice to see people that know me seeing me walk everyday saying keep up the good work!!  When I finish working on my health, I'm going to start working on getting myself back to driving my car and fixing it up. It's hard depending on people to do stuff or take you places.  Once I would have let this get me down and turn to food but not this chick.  Another thing once I get my health where I want to be, I'm going to try and go back to work because living month to month off of a check is not cutting it. For anyone that knows me, I have always worked. Even though I paid money I order to receive what I get, it's tough. But I'm making the most of it.  I'm glad that I'm able to be with my boys and watch them grow up because when I was working, I was missing out on activities with them. All this is to say that I am focused on my goals. Through my experience, I have truly found out who my true family and friends are. When I was out driving and working, it wasn't nothing I wouldn't do if it was in my power. But life goes on and I'm learning to be a stronger woman because of it. #TeamWalkingTheWeightOff

Friday, June 27, 2014


Today when I was taking my daily walk, I use the time to reflect and think about things.  I have come along ways since I started my weight loss journey in January. I'm glad that I decided to work on physically so that I can be healthy.
  For a long time I can now admit, I was addicted to food. It helped me when I was sad, happy, mad, depressed or whatever emotion that was going on.  It was a cure all for all my problems. But now I know it was also bad for my health.
    I feel that the addiction came from me having low self esteem. It took me a long time to admit this to myself. I felt like that I had to fit in to have friends all through out school and when I was out in the work force too. I felt like I was beautiful enough. I felt like I had to buy my friends just to fit in. Now I know that was wrong. A TRUE FRIEND will be there regardless and they won't talk about you behind your back. I learn this lesson the hard way.
    For many that don't know, I was in a relationship that wasn't healthy for me. But at the time I thought it was love. But it wasn't but you know having low self-esteem , I thought I couldn't get a man that truly loved me. I have been in relationships that I thought was loving, but they wasn't. These men in their own way used me by saying that they loved me but in actuality, I was the other woman. But me being the kind hearted woman that I am fell in love with these men. Oh I was hurt when I found out, but I have forgiven and let go. But you know I figured out that I wasn't what they needed. I have two boys that hopefully when they grow up will know how to treat a woman.
   Now I am in a better place. I am working on me!! I am learning to love myself. If you don't love yourself, how can some else love you? I am working on my health. To date, I have lost 37 pounds!! I'm proud of what I am accomplishing!! If anyone had told me that I would be exercising, I would have said what? But walking is helping me lose the weight one pound at a time. Now if I get upset, I walk it out!! No longer do I turn to food to comfort me!!  I'm proud of all the steps that I have taken thus far!! If my blog helps one person, then I have accomplished my goal!! Now as for the relationship part, I'm waiting on God to send me the man He wants me to be with. I'm a work in progress!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Marcus

Today is my youngest Marcus Birthday!! He is turning the big 12 today!! Where has time gone? I remember  passing out on the sidewalk on my way to to work inside of Walmart. That had never happened to me before. I went in to work and told the Csm what happened. I still got on a register and it was an express one. I took a customer that had over twenty items. She was so grateful that she gave me a customer compliment  and wanted to speak to a manager. She spoke to the Csm and the manager.  The Csm had told the store manager what had happened before I came in to work. He took me off the register  and told me to go home and get well. He was impressed that I came in and still gave great customer service.
   I went home and scheduled an appointment at the clinic. To my surprise, I found out I was pregnant  with my second child. I was happy and scared at the same time.  On June 26, 2002 I had Marcus. Since then he has brought me so much joy. He has been through a lot  but I'm proud of the young man he is becoming. We are both walking to get fit and healthy. I even introduced him to eating turkey bacon which he loves now.

Happy Birthday Marcus!! You are going to have a great one!! Momma loves you!! We will be celebrating by walking later!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Yesterday's Walk

I went on my daily walk with my youngest son Marcus. Going on these walks together, we have time to talk just us two. Well we was talking about this past school year and he informs me that he didn't have a lot of friends this year. I asked him why and he gave me a list of reasons why. All of the reasons he told me hurt me to my heart. But the two that hurt me the most was that he said some of his fellow classmates called him fat and that he was ugly.
   This hurt me to my heart but I smiled and told him that he was not ugly and that I love him very much. I told him that's why we are walking so that you and I will be healthy and fit. This brought back a lot of memories for me because I went through the same situation that he's having to endure. I was called fat. People made fun of me at school. They started rumors about me in high school saying I was pregnant and other hurtful things. My last two years of high school was a living hell for me because of it all. I had seriously thought about dropping out of school because of what was going on. If it wasn't for a few people that came into my life. I would have dropped out.  In fact, I didn't go to school for almost a month.
  Today I just felt like crying because of what my son had told me. I was strong and didn't relapse into the comfort of eating food. I have to admit that I was addicted to food. Food didn't let me down. It comfort me and I felt so much better. I now know that it was wrong for my health and this is why I'm changing and working on me.
  Parents please talk to your children. Because had I not talked to my son today, I wouldn't have known how he was feeling inside. It hurt me to my heart that he went to school everyday to other children teasing him about his apprearance. Tears are rolling down my face as I'm typing this blog. To my son Marcus. I love you so very much!! You are a handsome young man on the inside and out. As long as you have me, you will be well loved. Together  we are going to be fit and healthy. The same classmates that called you fat and ugly are going to look at the new you and want to be your friend. Be forgiving because you have a kind heart.
   My message is: Parents please talk to your children. My theme song for this journey is Beautiful by Indie Arie.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Walking the Weight Off

Today marks three weeks since I started walking. If it had not been for my friend Jackie coming down, I would have been still just walking around in my yard.
  Once I got started, it was hard and I was out of breath alot. I didn't realize how out shape I was until I started walking. I walk everyday now.  Sometimes I walk during the mornings. But most of the time, I walk in the evenings when its cool. My youngest son Marcus walks with me everyday. He only missed one day because he took a nap early. But my other friend Tanya came by and she walked with me. My niece Tamiyah sometimes walks with me too.
  I'm proud of myself for sticking with the walking everyday. I missed one day which was yesterday because we had a storm. I was sad but I did some walking in place and some silly dancing which my son was laughing at me. But it was all good because I was getting it in lol!! This is my time to work on myself and my health.

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Reason I Started My Weight Loss Journey

In November of 2013, I went to the doctor and found out that I had gained backed some of the weight that I had lost in 2012. I decided then that I was going to lose weight at the beginning of the year.
  January 2014, I started this journey.  I cut back on all my sweets. I stopped drinking sodas, and I cut out all bread. I started eating healthier.  What I have done so far is switched over from eating beef to eating only ground turkey and chicken.  I am also eating more veggies and fruit. The biggest accomplishment for me is drinking water. That is all I am drinking now.
  When I went back to the doctor, I found out that I had lost 20 lbs. That was a shock to me!! I was excited and proud of myself.  In November of 2013, I was weighing 428.  In February, I was down to 408.  Now I am at 393. I am so proud of all the weight I have lost so far.
  Tomorrow will be three weeks since I have started walking. Each day I walk, I feel better. I am determined to lose the weight and keep it off. I want to be around for my boys. Also to be healthier for myself.